Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Summer Day

A fun little meme (thanks, V!)

August 4, 2009
Outside my window…
....darkness, pine trees, grass and the community pool (and Samurai, prowling somewhere out in the dark....)
I am thinking…
...about some lesson ideas for the upcoming school year, and about going upstairs soon to put my beautiful baby girl to bed
I am thankful for…
... the aforementioned lovely little girl, my DH, and God's sovereignty
I am learning....
....how to place life's events in the perspective of eternity
In the kitchen....
.... there are dirty dishes, which I'm thankful for, because my DH made great smoothies
I am wearing…
... black capris and a black tank top
I am creating…
.... a new blog post (FINALLY, after 9 months of silence!)
I am going…
.... to enjoy time with my parents this weekend
I am reading…
... Lost at School (helping challenging students), Real Education (a vision for an overhaul of public education), If I Stay (YA fiction), Newsweek
I am hoping…
... that I can stop procrastinating tomorrow on things that need to be done
I am hearing…
... Holst's The Planets (movement: Mercury), which my ensemble played at our concert last week. Amazing pieces!
Around the house…
... school papers and supplies, baby items, quiet
One of my favorite things…
... putting my baby to bed each night- reading to her, nursing her, praying for her, feeling her sweet little hand on my face.
A few plans for the rest of the week…
... sorting school papers and making lesson plans, getting together with a friend I haven't seen in ages (hi again, V!), preparing to host ladies' craft night this Friday for our church.

1 comment:

Doug Parker said...

your blog is a breath of fresh air! Keep it up and have fun with my granddaughter, her daddy and the kids at school!